Find “off-market” deals before the brokers do.

No Brokers.


Problem: There aren’t enough good business listings to buy on the market.

At No Brokers, we’re here to find you those “off-market” deals before anyone else does.

Our Services

Personalized outreach strategies for your specific business buying criteria.

Cold Email Marketing.

We don’t buy marketing lists. Why? Because they are outdated and a waste of time and money. Our team of business marketing pros have firsthand experience building cold email campaigns that hunt “off-market” business owners who are interested in selling. How so? Because we are business brokers! The cold email methods we use to find off-market deals are the same methods we use to find listings. After all, a listing is “off-market” before its listed, right?

Direct Mail Marketing.

Although direct mail marketing is about as antique as your grandmother’s recipe box, it works. It’s a “tried and true” method that continues to provide results across various industries. So why fix what isn’t broken? We take this old-school method and apply our “special sauce” to make our mail marketing campaigns convert at higher than industry averages.

Many buyers underestimate the importance of effectively presenting themselves to potential sellers. Remember, the art of the deal is not just in the numbers; it's in the connection. We work with you to build and design the “Perfect First Impression”- an approach that builds immediate trust and rapport with interested sellers before they even speak to you.

Perfect First Impression.

No Commissions or Hidden Fees.

We are not your business broker (unless you want us to be), we are your personal “off-market” hunter. You only pay a flat monthly fee for our hunting services. You do not pay commissions or finders fees to us if you decide to purchase an “off-market” business that we find for you unless you decide to use the services of our partner brokers.

Start Finding “Off-Market” Deals.


At No Brokers, we shed the marketplaces, get our hands dirty, and find the perfect “off-market” deals for you.